Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Rant - What the hell is wrong with everyone

Reading this story literally made me sick. Judge Reduces Sentence For Man Who Beat Child To Death
Why on earth would this man even have the slightest chance of getting out of prison? Again I ask you what is wrong with our society!?! 16 hours of beatings 16 HOURS and he has the chance to walk around free one day?

On to another sick crime, so it seems Terapon Dang Adhahn will not be put to death for killing Zina Linnik. Our 'fabulous' Pierce County Prosecutor Gerald Horne made a deal with the killer, that if he showed them where Zina was he would not be killed for this crime. I would have said well yes you showed us where she was but she is not alive so the deal is over. I don't want to support this worthless excuse for a human till he dies of old age. Yes he had a rough childhood but that is NOT an excuse. There are plenty of people who had horrible childhoods or had bad things happen to them and they don't go around killing people.

Let's hope Adre'anna Jackson gets her justice.

So if you are as angry as I am let your voice be heard. Here are addresses for our local elected officials. They are suppose to represent us. Are they??? Is this what we want? Child torturers and murders to live and one day walk free? It's not what I want. Check out how the people we elected are representing us. Check out their voting records.

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