Sunday, March 16, 2008

Rave - No batteries required for fun

Baby Girl is still not feeling well but I wanted her to get some fresh air so I bundled her up and we headed out side for a walk around the yard. As usual she waned to go down the side stairs and to the back yard. While on the patio she saw our Bubble Wands and pointed to them. I got them down for her and she tried to dip them into the outside cat's water bowl. I decided to try to make some bubbles for her. It was an overcast, slightly windy and cool day, not the type of day you typically think of when making bubbles. But it turned out to be a great day for them. We purchased the Bubble Wands last year at the University Street Fair. For $20 we bought all 4 wands and got a tray to hold the bubble solution. The company is called Majic Bubble Wand and they are a local Company here in Washington State. With their products being American Made in Oregon. Baby Girl had a blast trying to pop the bubbles and was even able to make her very own bubbles (thanks to the wind helping).

Look a the size of that bubble!

Turtle, Flower, Fish & Heart Wands

Want some good old fashion fun for the kids that actually gets them out of the house and doing something? Then pick up a set of wands right now, no batteries required.

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