Saturday, March 21, 2009

Rant - The Mac Store

My husband was working all morning trying to find a replacement for my Father-in-law's dead computer, an Apple G4 Desktop. After calling around and taking to several people at The Mac Store and the Apple Store they decided my FIL should buy the $599.00 (or 600.00) Mac Mini.

So off goes my FIL to the Mac Store and tells them he wants to buy the $600 Mac Mini. The sales person says they don't have a 600 Mac Mini, they have a 500, 700 & 900 Mac Mini. Apparently my FIL asked what the difference was and they told him that the $900 Mac Mini was faster and without knowing any better he bought it. The 500 (really 599 and closer to 600) one would have been a lot faster than what he has now.

They totally took advantage of a man in his middle 70s and instead of selling him what he needed they sold him what would make them more money. We use to go to The Mac Store all the time, but we will no longer be going there nor referring others.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Rave - Jobs at QFC

So the QFC on Holman Road and the one on Northgate Way are hiring!

Rant - Cyndy's House of Pancakes may soon be House of Pasties

I live just blocks away from Cyndy's House of Pancakes on Aurora and 105th. I just read an article on where they owners are selling and a prospective buyer wants to turn it into a Strip Club. Does anyone else find this disturbing? We have the Oak Tree Cinemas just a block away where families take their children to see movies. There already is the Dancing Bare place and the XXX Book store. Do we really need another strip club and especially one so close to neighborhoods, schools and churches??

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Rave - Incident Response of WA

Sorry I have not been posting lately. But I wanted to tell you all about something that happened Tuesday, Feb 24. I was planning on going to Babies-R-Us with Baby Girl to pick up some items for my cousins baby shower. Even before leaving my neighborhood I started feeling odd but tried to put it out of my head. I get on the freeway at the 145th entrance and shortly after started having a panic attack. I tried to think of other things and even got Baby Girl singing with me but I soon realized it wasn't ending. I wound up pulling over before the 177th street exit and immediately called my husband at work. Luckily he was somewhat free and able to talk to me to try to calm me down. But the panic attacks kept coming, they wouldn't stop. I was on the phone with my husband for about 10 minutes when a Washington State Incident Response truck showed up. He came over to make sure I was ok and when I told him I was having a panic attack he offered to call an aid car for me. Knowing I wasn't dying, I thanked him and refused (even though inside I really wanted someone else there to tell me I was ok), I knew their time would be better used helping someone else.

After talking with my husband for about 20 minutes I realized they were not going to stop and someone needed to come and get us. Being shaky and light-headed I was in no shape to drive. Also lucky that my in-laws run a family business so my husband was able to call them and send someone out to get us. And during this whole time the Incident Response guy stayed behind me. At one point he even moved my car further off the road. So I want to send out a big THANK YOU from Baby Girl and myself!

Rave - Eagles

Yesterday we were sitting around the dining room table when I noticed a Bald Eagle soaring out out window! VERY COOL!